Passion. Co-Operation. Faith.

Established in 2014, SPARK is a week of Community Outreach organised by churches in the Newtownabbey area.

During one week each summer we use activities such as Holiday Bible Clubs, youth drop-ins, car washes, litter picks, gardening, sports coaching, music, community fun days and other activities to reach out with the love of God to our local community.

Since the beginning of SPARK Newtownabbey, and across each of our areas, our aim as an organisation and community of disciples is to spark:

PASSION for Christ and His kingdom among those who take part,

CO-OPERATION among the churches in Newtownabbey that may lead to new initiatives

and FAITH in those in our communities who hear the Gospel and experience God’s love throughout the week of SPARK.

SPARK Newtownabbey is open to anyone from Year 11 upwards who has a heart for God and desire to serve our community.